Performance comparison of different asset classes

This article examines the performance of different asset classes over the past 10 years: equities, government bonds, corporate bonds, gold

Wednesday, 16 March 2022
Performance comparison of different asset classes

How much would I have made in 10 years investing € 10000 on an equally-weighted portfolio consisting of the major asset classes?

Let’s see with this analysis carried out on the following instruments:

  • Equity: 25%
  • Government bond: 25%
  • Corporate bond: 25%.
  • Gold: 25%

Investment simulation over the last 10 years –> PIC Simulator

From the following table we can see that the maximum drawdown of the portfolio corresponds to the Covid-19 period, with the minimum of -17.84% reached on 18-03-2020. The final value after 10 years has almost doubled, with a performance of around 90%.

Total Amount Invested Final Portfolio Value Profit Volatility Annualised Return Maximum Drawdown
10000€ 18885.54€ 88.86% 7.1% 6.2% -17.84% in data 2020-03-18

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Percentage performance comparison –> Comparator

The comparison analysis shows how predictably over a 10-year period the equity component outperforms the other asset classes with the obvious disadvantage of higher volatility and higher drawdowns.

Asset Performance (10 years)
US Equity ETF 331.27%
US 20-Year Government Bond ETF 76.16%
US Corporate Bond ETF 28.82%.
Gold ETF 19.3%